Carly Knobloch the Connected Mom is with us!

School is back in session and parents are probably feeling a bit overwhelmed… technology to the rescue! Tech Lifestyle Expert Carley Knobloch highlights 5 “smart” ideas for home and on the go that can help busy families!

Carley is covering camera safety, smart faucets, tech for the car, a unique idea for teens and money and a smart way to clean at home.


Carley Knobloch is obsessed with helping people use technology to make life easier (and more fun). As a Today Show contributor and HGTV host, she explores the world of home control and also helps makes tech simple to even the least savvy among us. On her blog,, she helps busy humans navigate the world of personal technology. She’s appeared on CNN, Ricki Lake, EXTRA, and in the pages of Real Simple and Bloomberg BusinessWeek.

She taps and swipes in Los Angeles with her husband, two kids, a springer spaniel, and a myriad of tablets. Find her on Twitter at @carleyknobloch and Instagram.

THE TECH SHOW is a first of it’s kind technology-themed lifestyle television show. Designed to keep pace with the experienced, novice, and sporadic user, THE TECH SHOW entertains and informs viewers with the latest tech news, gadgets, gizmos, video games, apps, and advancements.