Learn the Science, Lose the Weight

When it comes to your goals — whether they are related to developing a sustainable, healthy relationship with food, jump-starting a fitness routine, or mitigating a health issue — how you think influences everything you do in your attempt to reach those goals. Having the right mindset is key to any successful change in behavior, but it’s also the most neglected element of setting and achieving your goals. You might know what you should do, but what matters is why you want to do it, and how you’re going to do it in a way that works for you long-term.

Learn the Science, Lose the Weight

THE TECH SHOW is a first of it’s kind technology-themed lifestyle television show. Designed to keep pace with the experienced, novice, and sporadic user, THE TECH SHOW entertains and informs viewers with the latest tech news, gadgets, gizmos, video games, apps, and advancements.